Originally Posted by zman99
I think you have been given a lot of mature advice here. I am also a young dude (23 pretty soon). I would say your number one priority is becoming more independent. Your question is verbatim to what I was asking at age 19. I ended up staying with the grand am that I had (and still drive). It turns out that the "awesome secure" job I had with my neighbors company was not the hit and I chose to enlist and finish my degree upon losing the job even though I was best. Dude I am really fond of the Z we all are and we gripe about its small flaws but its still our dream car.... Be aware, a lot can happen in 1-2 years. You could be seeing alot of your friends move out or feel cramped by living with parents. I gotta tell ya, at 19 bein off on my own, my own place, my own cell bill(no more gettin chewd on for high bill), havin all the friends over and last but not least bringing my girlfriend over. Dude imagine pullin the finest chick and being stoked about it only to tell her that you dont know if your parents are home so uuuhhhh.... buzz kill.
Put that $$ in a ROTH IRA, keep some for your self get an ok used car and live life to its fullest with out the stress of high bills. My buddy has a dodge ram that he drooled over and now he spends every week stressed over bills and spends the weekends trying to make extra pay. I feel ya dude, a nice billy bad *** car is what I look at on this forum every night too. But I tell ya what. At my place the beer never stops flowin, the music never stops, and the feeling of independence is .. well... liberating. I might get the Z if a bloody dealer will charge less then my two marbles. Before ya know it, time will pass and you being a hard worker and all .. will have the pick of the litter. Your making good pay now, but to get the full effect of the nice car get the full effect of the responsibility of finances. I wish you the best and hope you get the car you need.
Honestly I completely understand what you are saying.
I don't drink or smoke and I am not too focused on friends or anything like that. I couldnt honestly care less if my friends were moving out or w.e, I just find that something to be what the media has influenced upon us. Why not live the life you want and live a nice house with my parents until I am set to go?
Reason i cant drink or smoke or anything is because i do fitness modelling during the summer. I have a comp in california soon and I have to cut down to a certain bodyfat

Its a passion of mine, and I cant give that up for chicks and such, just not my personality type.
I agree that buying an ok used car is good, but thats honestly for someone who has a crappy job and living on his own. My parents are set for life basically, any money i make (may sound spoiled) doesn't goto my parents even tho i like to offer them the money.
anyways, i have the moneyto buy a 350z and pay out the car fully, just gonna have to pay insurance which will be under ym dads name/