This poll was meant for 40th owners. Look at how the poll is phrased. Some of us have been trying to get plaques and wanted to see how fellow 40th owners felt. By non-40th owners answering the poll, it makes it hard to determine this. Mike was harsh with his words, but he is frustrated. Him and Dropped1 have been trying the hardest to get us the plaques and I appreciate his help. So, I just wanted to let him know that there was someone who had his back. I don't want him to stop because a few people on the forum have been dogging him. We know that our special edition is really not that special. No one expects our cars to retain value. It will diminsh in value just the same as everyone elses 370Z, unless you happen to be the lucky person with production #1. I want the plaque, so that I can try to con the poor sucker who buys my Z down the road to hand over a few hundred extra dollars because it was a "special edition".