Stock Spark Plugs - heat range?
Looking at the stock plugs (Denso FXE24HR11), they are a "24" heat range (equivalent to an NGK "8" heat range). Any idea why our NA V6 has such cold plugs stock? From my research the GT-R has basically the same plug specs (heat range 8) but a different tip/electrode.
I'm just used to heat range 6 plugs in N/A V6's. I know the VQ35HR uses the same plugs, except 1 range hotter. I can't imagine having to run a "10" heat range plug with 200 hp over stock; that's not streetable at all.

'10 PW 370Z 7AT - wife's car - Project Raspberry Cheesecake
'08 Evo X - built motor+trans | BB-X @ 32 psi | CH3OH | self-built+tuned - ??? WHP
'01 Galant V6 - built motor | GT35R | self-built+tuned - 550+ WHP (retired)
Last edited by WarmAndSCSI; 06-27-2010 at 08:24 PM.