ALTA are F***ers completely out to luch! But for Toronto Nissan's I have had luck at Agincourt Nissan (40th) and 401 Dixie (altima).
As far as the 3300 off for the M6 with sport....... not a bad start, but I would keep going for more. Shop around and get them to print the quote so you can get the dealerships fighting each others prices, eventually you will find who is in need of the sale or who is selling more on average. I find that the dealers that are either in dyer need of a sale or ones that are moving a lot of cars give the best deals.
Because I have a hook up....
I prob shouldn't say but on my 40th I actually got it for 5500 off, I've talked to some people who had to pay more for a reg 2010 sport, then I payed for my 40th!