Originally Posted by WarmAndSCSI
Though it may seem like you can afford it right now, you may not be able to once you move out on your own. Trust me there... I was just able to start affording a nice new car right when I turned 21 (living on my own for the past 2 years at that point). And I was making $29-30/hr then.
Making quite a bit more now, and getting a tax/insurance break being married, so I was able to fit the new 370Z into the budget. You're on a good start job-wise it sounds, I would just buy something used now - keep it fairly stock - then trade it in for your new dream car a few years down the road. 
I always take in good advice when i see one, I dont think ill be buying the 370z... but the 350z sounds pretty good, a used one, then mod it up nicely...
and the insurance can be under my dad