Though it may seem like you can afford it right now, you may not be able to once you move out on your own. Trust me there... I was just able to start affording a nice new car right when I turned 21 (living on my own for the past 2 years at that point). And I was making $29-30/hr USD then.
Making quite a bit more now, and getting a tax/insurance break being married, so I was able to fit the new 370Z into the budget. You're on a good start job-wise it sounds, I would just buy something used now - keep it fairly stock - then trade it in for your new dream car a few years down the road.
And speaking insurance... it was costing me $230/month USD when I was single (21 y/o still) for my 2008 Evo X. The 370Z costs almost 50% more to insure, even with my wife listed as the primary driver.