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Old 06-26-2010, 02:26 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ImportConvert View Post
AAM says something about not re-routing lines off the block and no modification thereof, does the GTM require this?

Also I have read about giving up the windshield washer resivor. Does the GTM give this up?
yea say good bye to it. no way to keep it and route IC lines

Originally Posted by NYBladeZ View Post
TONER, are you planning on dyno testing after all is said and done? I know the last person who did the at home install ran a super conservative tune until he got on the dyno. What power goals are you shooting for??
Yes I do plan on dyno testing as SAM want's to know what my air to fuel ratio is before I get on the car. The last person that did the home install modme is who I am thinking you are refuring to. He didn't choose to have the conservative tune. When you buy the turn key kit you have to email sam your ecu #, and then he sends you your new tune. Every car is different so there for the tune has to be conservative or you might blow up your engine. The conservative tune is to protect you and GTM from possible engine failure and pointing the finger. Once I get my A/F ration I will call sam and let him know what it is and he will let me know what adjusments he will make. I didn't get that far yet so I am not a 100% positive if he will send me a new tune once he gets the info on how my car is reacting. My power goals are 500rwhp, that is plenty for the street anything more is just asking for problems with the law or accidents. I am a few hours away before starting my car to see how the build went. I have to connect vacum lines, add power stearing fluid and put some oil in my engine then I will be ready to go. In other words I am going to find out what I forgot to tighten lol. Also I think I am the first person to do this on a 370z as a home project. Like I said I plan on doing a full review of the product and problems that I ran into during installation as soon as I get the car done.
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