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Old 06-25-2010, 10:01 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DeLRo View Post
Ok, so I just took over payments on a 2010 370z. Just hit 11k miles and I'm due for oil change and want to plan ahead for my 15k service.

I live in the SF bayarea and the local Nissan dealer in Fremont closed where I new of a few good people there. Now searching around I find that all the other Nissan dealers don't have the best reviews causing me to be wary of bringing my new ride in for anything.

However Infiniti of Pleasanton is close by and they have amazing reviews as well as the 2010 Award of Excellence. I know they can't do warranty repairs there. But could anyone tell me if they share records with Nissan? Just in case in the future I went there instead.

Also does anyone know approx how much more expensive it might be or if it's even worth it?

I could do all the basic services myself if I had the time or space to do it in. But since I do not I would like to ensure I find a place that not only knows their stuff. But also treats their customers well.
As an M35 owner, you can expect $50 oil changes, an equivalent loaner (on appointment basis), & free car washes! The labor on the oil change is $3x.00 dollars, and the rest goes to the materials themselves. As far a them sharing info, I dont think so, but then again im an actual Infiniti owner. And the is it worth it part, well.. thats your call, do you want to spend $50 on an oil change with once in a blue-moon promotion of $40. All the other interval changes, you can expect a 15%-30% more than Nissan dealer prices! Most of what you pay for is the service, the door being opened for you and the dealership actually treating you like a human-being!
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