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Old 06-23-2010, 04:59 PM   #6 (permalink)
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WarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to beholdWarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to beholdWarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to beholdWarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to beholdWarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to beholdWarmAndSCSI is a splendid one to behold

Originally Posted by theDreamer View Post
The real question should be, does the President (or Congress) understand what the internet is? If not, how can they even logically do anything such as this or any other proposal I have seen. I can tell you right now, most politicians have no clue what the internet really is or what it can/cannot do.

It's kind of sad since many of these old, decrepit politicians have been active in politics since ARPANET was first conceived.

The Internet as a network infrastructure AND idea is not something a government should ever have a role in controlling.
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