(phelan rant)
look, i'm an engineer too, okay? i understand there are significant costs associated with low production run items, especially something like this. blocks of metal aren't cheap, the labor involved isn't cheap, etc. etc. blah blah blah. my project at work is a limited production run too, it's a PITA to figure out the tooling just to build one f*cking unit. so i get it. hell, we all
get it. some will justify to themselves that the end product is worth the price of admission, some won't. such is the nature of business / capitalism. you want to make this a mass production run? make the initial set, and ship the damn thing to china. $5 a piece, made out of craplastic. there ya go, mass produced.
what i fail to see as productive is the random insults getting thrown about. there's no need for that. and how the hell did you guys start talking about rep?? this is nuts.
you're busy trying to defend yourself that's something way further down the line. all it really needed was a justification of the cost (i.e. what you posted already, like $700 for expenses, $x for labor, etc.). that's it, and we can all be on our merry way. no harm, no foul (unless you're kouman coulibaly in which case F*CK YOU

i kid, i kid).
i salute you as an engineer, but please, be nice to some of us customers.
(/phelan rant)
Originally Posted by kenchan
Phalen- can't you make something out of bamboo from your Pier1 purchase? 
i'm already working at the wood lathe