Originally Posted by AK370Z
That's crazy!  Cops here would stop you every 10 miles if you have that exhaust. I just can't imagine someone driving like that. I'd probably last 6 minutes and then I would take it off. You need to have a perfect balance of sound and performance from your aftermarket exhaust. An exhaust (daily driving) that gives you mean sound when you want it but quiet when you DON'T! That's why it took me more than a year of research to buy my exhaust
Now, if I had a dedicated track car, this is def going on that car 
My exhaust on my IS350 was so loud that I devised a solution... and I actually did this damn near every time I saw a cop. My IS had 4 cats removed no resonator and a single exit converted exhaust with an angle so the sound would bounce off whatever it was pointing at.
My solution: literally turn the car off until they turned or I could pull over.