I couldn't play around too much this morning, construction and busy traffic doesn't mix well with WOT driving... But I did get to try it out a couple of times and the A/F ratio was steady at 17.5 during WOT. I mostly tried it in high gear/low speed situations, as this offered me the chance of having a WOT without accelerating into the car in front of me to quickly.
I feel like the 17.5 is some sort of a default value, as it didn't seem to change at all as long as I had the accelerator floored. Also, as soon as I lifted just a little, the reading went back below 14.7
But I'm not sure yet, so I will try it out some more tonight and this weekend to see if that 17.5 is indeed a default value during WOT or if it changes.
Too bad I didn't look at the A/F ratio during WOT driving when I still had the Takeda intakes and HFC's. But then again, I normally have my eyes on the road during WOT driving