UPDATE- 6/17/2010
HNGonzalez: 001 (Installed)
Semtex: 002 (Installed)
Daishi: 003 (Installed)
Mr. Anonymous: 004 (Delivered)
Kolya: 005 (Installed)
The Dreamer: 006 (Installed)
LeonZ5: 007 (Delivered)
Earwicker7: 008 (Installed)
Zello370: 009 (Delivered)
Matrix_Square: 010 (Delivered)
Dainedazz: 011 (Delivered)
Cotizi: 012 (Installed))
Jason S. (Delivered)
NYBladeZ: 014 (Delivered)
Valentino: 015 (Delivered)
Danny3.7: 017 (Delivered)
Tardcore: 018 (Delivered)
Booger: 019 (Installed)
PG6speed: 020 (Building)
Jnaut: 021 (Building)
Shultea1: 022 (Building)
VH370ZNISMO: 023
Vipor: 024
E.Johnson: 025 (Delivered)
Jamaica951: 026
MattKim85: 027
Bejan: 028
roplusbee: 029
Vegitto-Kun: 030
On a side note, I am getting married on July 3rd and I will be out of the office from starting July 2nd and will not be returning until July 12th. MY GOAL is to have the entire group buy completed and shipped before I leave. That is sets #1-25! That leaves 5 more sets within the next two weeks. I will make it happen. I know that this has taken longer than most have expected, myself included. Let's remember though production started a month late due to the tooling being almost a month late. In addition we have discovered that production on these is a little more time consuming than originally projected. I will always keep the lines of communication open, this is why I am telling all of this...
Thanks, Tony