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Old 06-16-2010, 05:42 PM   #522 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chupacabra View Post
Its an Argentina thing....

See when you grow up in argentina... you learn a few things:

1) brazil can lick my left testicle

2) its called Malvinas not Falkland

3) Diego Armando is the best player EVER.

plus.... did you see the game... brazil was running 5 defense at all times... I expect that from N. korea but not a "5" champion. LAME.
It doesnt matter. As a soccer fan you still have to respect a team even if you hate them. Brazil are very very good so saying they get easy teams, refs suck, etc is kind of sad. Brazil is set up more defensively since Dunga took happens and props to them for thinking like that. If you cant score on a team you cant beat them.
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