Originally Posted by wheee!
The letter "Z" cannot be trademarked. The stylized version we use in the badge may be construed as a copyrighted logo, however, we have not used it in a manner that would damage the holders original intention, to identify a 370Z. If we placed it on a Honda.... different story!
In the end, the 370Z is still being represented by a factory stylized "Z" similar to the steering wheel logo. I see no court in the world that would convict us for this emblem for this specific use!
Build on! And make mine a front and rear order!!
As a foot note, it IS possible to wire the logo up to a capacitor that would detect finger touches (change in capacitance) and have that wired to the cars alarm sytem when armed... just a thought. 

I hope you're right.
About the car alarm thing, sorry to ask questions like an engineer....depending on the sensitivity level of the current wouldn't we now have to constantly worry about the car going off whenever it rains or mist touches it? Or worst, blow something out if something unforeseeable that can cause this system go haywire? Just a thought but am very interested in this idea...hehehe. Gotta love creative people like you.