Originally Posted by j.arnaldo
Dear ShadowQuad: Try WALKING 2 miles in 114F-degree weather, and f-e-e-l the difference 2 miles can make, bro'!

Have done, sir. Look, if that 2mpg difference makes the difference for you of abysmal vs. acceptable, then ok. I concede, that's your opinion. You've got every right to feel that way if considering the two cars for purchase.
My opinion is that in a 400+hp sports car, 21mpg isn't the worst I've ever seen, and I could probably live with it. My daily driver gets just over 200 peak hp and gets similar mileage, so in my mind, I could live with it.
That's why they make vanilla and chocolate ice cream, I suppose. Cause I'm right and you're wrong.

jk, to each their own, bro.