Originally Posted by speedworks
No, I haven't done it in a parking lot. Usually I can do it on an off or on ramp, usually I have been in 3rd gear, 4-5k rpm. Make sure you have some experience at that speed in a turn - I usually scare my passenger  I can make it last through a turn, about 5 seconds, but then the off/on ramp straightens out and then it decelerates like normal.
Honestly, when it first happens, it will scare the crap out of you, if you are entering the turn at high speeds (which is the requirement). I usually enter the turns at high speed, lift to scrub some speed off, and hope to accelerate out, but with the stability control on and when I take my foot off the pedal, it continues to drive - real freaky and uncomfortable. But, now I just turn off the stab. control.
Yes those are the exact symptoms I have experienced. I was carrying partial throttle in the turn but with slight deceleration to increase turn in. The car decided that the throttle should be enough to maintain constant speed which is not what I wanted because the corner tightens slightly. I ended up having way more speed at the end of the corner than I wanted which was a little dangerous, fortunately I left a little on the table and was able to safely negotiate the corner, but this safety feature can be dangerous. I would like to know which elements trigger the stability program to intervene like that.