Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
But the richer counties can afford a wider variety. We have unmarked BMW 3 Series' here. 
Few weeks ago, I was driving on the highway. This black pickup truck drives by me in a much higher speed than me (I'm already doing 75 in 65). So, two seconds later, I see this 2000 year model Purple Honda Accord Coupe driving fast following that black truck. I'm saying, "wtf is going on". Within seconds, the Honda Accord turned on all it's "hidden" flashing lights. Yup, it's an undercover cop. I was like

. You'll be surprised what kind cars they have undercover these days!
Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
If he didn't radar you, he couldn't ticket you anyway. That's why he gave you a warning. Speedo checks aren't concrete for a ticket. If you see that he was driving when he pulled you over and he accused you of speeding. Ask to see the radar gun. If he can't produce a reading to upload into the system. He can't give you a ticket. And... he can't fake the ticket cuz the mph anf time of ticket have to coincide.
I'm not sure if I can agree with your first line. I have gotten two tickets where cop didn't use radar/laser anything. They simple checked off the selection "PACE" on the ticket. Not sure about other states, but in the state of NJ, it's completely legal to get a speeding ticket without radar and laser.