Originally Posted by Anatoray
As long as you have one or the other and know how to use it or what to do if it's not going to work out, there's no problem. Since you have the bose system, however, I am not sure how well it will work out, because the two subs sit below and above the spare. Of course, it wouldn't take long to check it out. If you're only going for weight reduction, and not trying to get some extra trunk space, it could be possible to build a little enclosure to hold the sub where it would be if the tire was in there.
Edited: scratch that, I looked in the service manual. There's only one woofer on mine (Bose w/o Nav), it's above the spare. While I was in there, I noticed that the XM Satellite Radio unit is a separate piece back there too. I don't use it and don't plan on subscribing, I may go ahead and remove the XM unit while I'm in there too. Not sure what to do about the XM antenna though. I may leave it for now and see if I can reuse the same spot for a remote GPS antenna later.