Originally Posted by Modshack
Exactly....My dealership offers free oil changes for life....Unlikely I'll ever take advantage of this, but it's definitely a value added perk for the non-enthusiast purchasers..
When I bought my Z my dealership gave me the same deal, free oil change for life!
Let me translate out of dealership speak:
A) An oil change for the Z is $140 at the dealership
B) A 7,500 mile service is $310, but the oil change is free, so $170
The only "Free" oil change is one that is included in a service package like the 7,500 mile, which also includes checking fluids and a tire rotation. But tire rotations don't apply to the Z, so your basically paying 30$ for someone to look at the 4 or 5 fluids. Notice the lingo, CHECK the fluids, not refill them if need be. Oh yea, forgot to mention, they put your car through the car wash too! A full tank of gas makes a top of the line machine car wash all of 8$ so to me thats not that much of a value.
No thanks, for 85$ i can get 6 quarts of redline and an oil filter and do it myself.