Originally Posted by blue660r01
Because a lot of people on here are spoiled kids whos mommy and daddy gets them a new Z that will be crashed within a month.
Mommy NOR Daddy bought my Z..let alone any of my 5 cars of the past. Everyone has opinions and no one can break one of that. Some are lucky to have someone buy them a car..no need to be envious of that, let alone jealous..all becuz they will eventually crash the Z if they are too young too understand power haha. No..the 370z isn't the most powerful car, but to an 18/19 yr old...it's too much to handle becuz they try and be cute in front of their friends and thats where disaster happens. But hey..it's YOUR car, do what u feel is right...I know in the long run....my Z is safe cuz I don't act dumb
I have fun in a sensible way