Originally Posted by AK370Z
Yeah the lamp/housing is available, but nothing for wiring the switch up front. I've already tracked down the wiring. If we plug the unit from your link into the existing connector that's hanging unused right by our dummy foglight, the other end of the +12V line comes out as the orange wire plugged into pin 24 of the BCM in the passenger footwell.
Just need to wire that and an ignition-switched +12V line to a physical switch in the center console. I think I'm going to get the dealer to order me a "replacement" heated seat switch to use for it (since it will fit the plastic perfectly), and then try to find a way to change the labeling on it.
The other alternative is someone could dealer-order a Canadian-spec set of wiper/headlight switches and replace that whole unit on the steering wheel, and the odds are high the stock foglight switch on that will just work (seeing as the BCM is wired for it). But it would cost more, and nobody knows if the BCM needs different software or settings via CONSULT or something to enable it.