Originally Posted by bdanna
I live in Houston, and I've dyno'd multiple cars at both shops you mention, as well as organized/particpated at dyno days at both shops. No Z's though, this is my first Z, but my experiences should still relate I think. There is no way the DynoDynamics dyno at EngineLogics should be spitting out the same results as a Dynojet. Chris (the owner of EngineLogics) prides himself in calling his dyno the "heartbreak dyno", because all of the Houston dyno queens that put up big numbers on Dynojets in Houston see about a 12-15% reduction at EngineLogics. The Supra guys hate going to EngineLogics for this reason. Nothing against Carboy, I've had good customer service there as well, but I would lay my money on EngineLogics as being the correct reading. Something seems amiss with the Carboy results.
Well this has been my first experience with both shops. They have very different natures

, but I really liked both shops actually. My money's on the EngineLogics dyno results being more accurate than the Carboy ones for sure. But I also had a lot of fun at Carboy, they've clearly got some import connections, and it was great hanging out and talking to them there, and looking at other project cars they're working on.
Next time you go, drop me a pm, I'd like to join you if possible. Not necessarily in the Z (it's stock), but I have an Evo I'd like to get back on the dyno for tuning reasons. I'm off Wednesday :-)
Sure thing. Probably won't be until late next week that I go again, after a few more changes that are in the works. By then I should be able to install the underdrive pulley at least, and then next on the list after that is switching to a good synthetic and installing a ground strap kit, and then finally putting some heat-shielding stuff on the headers and the intakes (I don't want that stuff in the way while I'm still looking for vibrations near the exhaust stuff though).
I've decided to skip the oil cooler for now, at least until I see how things go as the weather heats up over the next month or two. For now, it's doing better than I initially expected. Some of that could be temps going down as the engine breaks in, and some of it could be that I added Water Wetter to the coolant too. I still haven't managed to make it past the 240 mark on the street.