Well I for one was also going to stay out of this but I have become compelled also to speak about this.
First off, and most important I AM NOT BASHING STILLEN, please remember that through out this.
Now I don't know storms history with STILLEN or other posts of his where he was bashing them. My whole point is every time someone pops up and says something about a company that is in a negative way there are people that come at that person side ways. Even the people that had problems with forge builds where it was evident by pics that negligence was present there were people saying, here is another person trying to ruin a reputable company. Like seriously gentlemen one thought goes through my mind, and that is WTF. If you paid a person to repave your drive way and you didn't get the quality you deserved for the money you paid, and when you contact them they blow you off, would you recommend them to a family member or a friend? Honestly if you would your a pretty bad friend. To me I am a huge, Huge customer service person. Companies make mistakes, it happens they are ran by humans, but to me its what a company does to rectify the situation once the mistake has been identified. The company that blows me off and ignores my complaint, well I am going to let the world know of there lousy service, period, end of story. Now the company that rectifies it and corrects it, and now makes my concern one of theres, they will have my business forever and will be highly recommended by me. Now I can't speak for storm but this is what I believe he was trying to see. Weather STILLEN will ignore the problems he has stated or would they provide a solution to them. Maybe for alot of you he might have went about it the wrong way and with maybe a little to much force. Like I said though I do not know his history with this company and maybe it was a painful one and thats why he chose to do it. I know he said in his post that he has owned STILLEN products and it seemed like a few. If he had bad experiences with them then I can understand the force that he is using, but that doesn't make him a basher in my eyes. I would believe a basher is someone that never owned a product from the company and ran there mouth about how junkie they are. Some of you are aware that I have spent alot of money on upgrades for my car, about 11,000 worth this month from products from GTM. While I was doing my research on my products and this company I wanted to know everything I could about them and the company, that way I knew I was going to be satisfied. To the people that gave there experience weather it was good or bad I was grateful.
As for storm contributing to the form, I have a couple words about that. Every time I asked him a question he gave a straight honest and informative answer. Every time I had a concern, he chimed in to provide assistance and guide me to understanding. If thats not contributing then I don't know what the hell is. You can say I am kissing his a$$, or what ever the heck else you can think off but he always helped me when I had a question and always gave me a unbiased answer and supported it with facts. If there is one thing I learned about stormcrow it is, If you prefer for someone to piss in your ear and tell you it's raining then you just best ignore stormcrow now because he is going to do the exact opposite.
I close with this, Kyle good luck with your kit, I hope it is successful for I am sure it took alot of time to produce and it consumed you and your team. The parts being assembled to save your customers time/money is awsome. I love how you thought about your customer in that. Once again good luck with it, and sorry that I added one more post of a off topic subject to your recent success in the production of this kit.
Last edited by toner123; 06-01-2010 at 11:46 PM.