Originally Posted by Cyberium
Maybe it's because the s2000 and a miata look identical to me that it's hard to see a guy driving it. But there are just some cars that are chick cars, and IN MY OPINION this happens to be one. You have the Celica, the Sunfire, the Neon, and the s2000. lol
I mean if Modshack wants to drive one that's fine... he's secure in his manhood. I know someone that can hook him up with a flashy rainbow sticker as well.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. 
You're a Poseur, not a car enthusiast, and Yes, I'm secure enough to have owned 3 Miata's....
Originally Posted by InTheZone
To say the S2000 is a woman's car, most ignorant statement ever. Maybe a stock baby blue AP1 can be considered that, but the S2k was made to be a track car.
Yeah, it is ignorant....But there's a lot of car bigotry around here (unfortunately)