Originally Posted by AK370Z
 If my kids wanted something nice and they want to pay me monthly, I'd probably buy it for them. But if they miss payment, their car will be taken away replaced with a Honda Civic.  That'll teach them responsibility.
 I lol'ed
OP, I would take it to the dealer. Very weird symptoms 
Agreed, it will force them to find a good steady job and not party all their money away. Can't make payments for the month? Can't drive it for the month. Sorry bud, but you get to stare at it everyday when you grab your bicycle or watch me take it out for a spin. If at the same time I can manage to find some healthy common ground that we both like and can connect through AND help them build credit while we're at it then why not.
I gotta say it would have to be AWD though, young kids are much too dumb to drive RWD as their first car..