I'm sorry, but I think I would own a PT Cruiser before a xB. They just aren't my thing, plus I take offense to most, but not all, of the drivers in them. Along with Hummers and anything else you can call a 'land yacht' or a 'tarmac tank.' I've been hunting around for a recent list I saw of ten most common cars in accidents and guess what? Scions and Hummers were up there. Yep.
I'm seriously thinking a used HHR when i need a beater "girly grocery getter." Feel free to judge me, I was a bit brutal, but I reserve my opinion as my own.
EDIT: Sorry, not accidents, 10 most ticketed cars on the road, which to me says two thing: 1)targeted and 2) increased number of reckless drivers.
at least the Z isn't up there!