Originally Posted by memorylasts
and Koenigsigg uses Ford Modular motors (although the later ones have been re-engineered to some degree). Your point?
I have no direct point other then (i don't know your financial situation) that you are blocking a lot of higher end desirable cars among the general populous that influence a lot of the "lower" "regular" cars we drive.
The 1.8T was IMHO the worst motor VW/Audi put out. The 2.0t is pretty good but needed some improvement to which they did, but if you fart in to right direction with the 2.0t you got about another 15 HP.. lol
And congrats to your dad, a very very nice car, i wanted to order one in a pearl white of sorts, and when i really looked into it i couldn't justify 55k for it, especially with the DSG transmission before TT&L