Originally Posted by toner123
yea thats where i am going to stay i don't want anymore then 500rwhp. Like i said i am super excited and can't wait to get this all done. I took a week of leave that way i can just sit down and take my time to do this. My Buddy is going to come over and help me out on the weekend to get me started and provide direction if I have any questions and after work he is going to shoot over. As for getting old I don't think thats the problem with not being able to stick lol. I think others between this forum and my350z were having this issue also with all stock. I don't know maybe I made that up lol. The last concern I have is just my warranty. I understand that I pretty much tossed that out the window on the engine and drive train, just if my headlights don't work I don't want the dealership to be like Ohh yea they don't work because of the TT kit you installed so warranty wont cover it lol.
PS fuz since I seen you reply on this, off topic I am in the market for a altima coupe new(hint hint). I spent my money to play now she want to play also, can't blame her lol
I think you're ok there. *haha* Magnusson-Moss Act keeps vehicle manufacturers honest in that regard.
Originally Posted by toner123
hey storm or anyone else, i have a question do you think I need a electronic boost controller. If so i have to figure out where the heck to put it lol. Thanks
I would certainly go with an electronic boost controller of some sort. Especially with the internal wastegates. Great insurance to have. I went with the HKC EVC 6 and mounted it where the dummy switch cover was in front of the cup holder. I have zero switches there since the NISMO comes stripped and not equiped from Nissan. *haha*
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Agreed! It looks like a lowered Nismo with an exhaust and intakes.
If it was my car, I'd skip the pillar gauges because I think they add a hint of "rice" to what is a phenomenal, beautiful car that doesn't announce it's been tuned until it's GONE!
Hmmm... new patio and hot tub or GTM TT? 
I actually thought of doing this. But, again, my build was budget conscious and I didn't want to go through the extra expenditure of custom work placing the new gauges. The most obvious place would have been in the dash as OEM gauge replacements, but I prefer the OEM gauges are left untouched. A custom console/cubby placement could have been an option, but I use my cubby as the Z has otherwise no storage - and, again, I didn't want to get into custom costs. The cups are much less obtrusive than an A-Pillar pod, so the gauges are cleaner and less noticeable. Even from outside of the car.