Most Fragile Car I've Ever Owned!
Hey everyone, I've been a long time reader of these forums and finally joined up. I previously owned a C5 Vette which I loved to death. I thought I might see a little bit of degraded performance when moving to the Z, but that hasn't been the problem. The problem is this car is just so darn fragile. A day doesn't go by where I don't find a new scratch, chip etc. So far I have owned the car for 7 months and have the following:
-Several tiny, random chips in various spots on the car (hood, fenders, wheel openings)
-Hairline scratches
-Tiny black specks on the wheels (thin clear maybe?)
-Water spots on the hood and roof
There are probably more, but you get the idea. Now mind you I owned my C5 for 4 years and and never had any problems with the paint other than the odd chip or scratch, but nothing this prevalent. The Vette was also black just like my 370.
Is anyone else experiencing this, or did I get a lemon?