Originally Posted by antbear
Not sure how independent the tests are when they are on Royal Purple's website...
Originally Posted by LiquidZ
If that were the case, then there wouldn't be 5 classifications of oils (group numbers).

hence all the discussion regarding oil
Having done my own research into Redline (and Motul for that matter) and their track record, I think that their oil is the best for the Z (ester additives along with being full synthetic). There are so many smoke and mirrors from each company, you almost need to find reasons NOT to buy them just to finally get to a decision. I get multiple conflicting things from all the different oils, but Redline seems to be the most straight forward IMO. They have been around for quite a while, they have more involvement in racing applications (from what I can tell), they are upfront about their base stocks, and people are having great success with them in this forum. I don't like the way Amsoil seems to sell their product, and the information out there regarding Royal Purple seems to be hit or miss (not to mention Mobil 1 and all those... I hate the company wars and will cause me to buy neither product i.e.- Mobil 1 vs Amsoil, AT&t vs Verizon). The link I posted does seem interesting for Royal Purple, but I think I've finally decided Redline is what will give me the protection and piece of mind I want for my Z.