Max Hp: 305.3, Max Torque: 241.2. Current mods are Stillen Gen3 Intake, Stillen Headers, Berk HFCs, Stillen Cat-back. This was a DynoJet at Carboy in Houston, 3 pulls, very humid day. They used 4th gear on the 7AT for the pulls.
Video of all 3 pulls shot on my mini-DV:
I don't have graphs to post yet, but I have the raw data attached here in a zipfile. Unfortunately DynoJet's free software to interpret the data and make graphs is Windows-only, and I only have Macs here. Could someone grab the attached data and make some pretty graphs for me? Preferably include the A/F data too (it's in there).
As I said in the other thread.. These numbers sound a little low to me for full intake/exhaust compared to what else we've been seeing (given that its a DynoJet), but on the other hand (a) This is a 7AT, the rest have all been 6MT so far, (b) It was extremely humid in Houston today, and (c) Every dyno and every car is different. I'm planning to hit a Dyno Dynamics place on Monday if I can, which will provide another good data point.
This is the link to the DynoJet windows software (click "Trying to View Your Run"):
Dynojet Research Inc. - Software - Downloads, and the raw data from my DynoJet runs in 4th gear is attached, if anyone wants to process it for alternative graph views.
UPDATE: Attempted 5th gear run on same DynoJet, doesn't fly because with the 7AT's rear-end ratio, you can't top out the revs in 5th due to the stock ECU's speed limiter tripping at 160 mph. Also did a Dyno Dynamics run at EngineLogics (these guys were great btw, highly recommend going there to other Houston-ites), which clocked in at 300 hp and 243 tq.
At this point, I'm kinda suspicious of the DynoJet results, the machine may be mis-calibrated or something. It doesn't jive with my Dyno Dynamics results given what we know about how they typically read versus each other. Attached are various related graphs:
Dyno Dynamics HP+TQ vs RPM (all 3 runs):
Dyno Dynamics HP+AFR vs RPM (all 3 runs):
DynoJet HP+TQ vs RPM in 4th (best run):
DynoJet HP+TQ vs Speed in 5th (only run, incomplete):