As mentioned earlier in this thread....
In regard to the 370Z. It has a low and high mark (no actual full mark) and the manual clearly states proper fill is between the two holes on the dipstick with recommended oil input at oil change (per factory) being 5 1/8 quarts. FACT is the proper fill per the manual is 5 1/8 regardless of the rationale of someone on a forum. For me over filling that a novice or anyone at that matter might due is harmful in itself. Best bet is to teach / preach what the factory says and not what some forum individual decides is best. Hopefully, this thread will make those here that are not savvy know that overfilling is an issue just as under filling/running low is. The really best bet is to fill as per the FACTORY recommendation for the 370Z which is 5 quarts 4 ounces and then monitor your dipstick religiously/closely. Add oil as needed. Keep the oil level of an at operating temperature 370Z between the low and high marks on the dipstick just as Nissan recommends.