Originally Posted by vash_241987
I shed some tears on this last episode  , so I'm guessing they were reincarnated into the other parallel universe? All thats left is to make LOST:AGAIN.....lol
no it wasnt an alternate universe.. it was like purgatory or like a lobby outside of heaven or whatever you want to call it... everyone(well not the ghosts who were stuck on the island) went to it but the losties created theirs in a way so they could all find one another and cross over together.. jack was to last person to realize his actual life and death because he always had the most trouble with letting go.. so they were all waiting on him... who knows how far that was in the future as kate and sawyer and the rest probably lived full lives and died of old age and who knows how long hurley and ben ran the island for... but at somepoint everyone dies and they were in this afterlife all wanting to meet up..
..... and it had nothing to do with the island or the bomb or anything..like that life wasnt real david shepard never existed. he was a spiritual construct they created.. thats why things went better for them in it as they had subconsiously created it...
like for example eloise had died whenever and she had awoken up to remember her life and death but she didnt want to pass over because although she knew it wasnt a real world she could spend time with her son... ( who actually was her son not made up like david) thats why she didnt want desmond messing with things
and ben.. ben didnt feel he deserved to cross over yet and he still had get somethigs right with himself first... either with alex or whatever..
so yeah at the end of the day it wasnt a sideways or tangent universe or really anything related to the island..... it was plainly a religious/spiritial afterlife
now i would speculate that the light in the heart of the island was tied to this.. maybe it really did hold concepts of heaven and hell and the hell part really did bond to MIB.. i dunno
why desmond thought that it would take him there i dunno.... desmond was special and the EM test really did send him there for a while but if you remember when desmond flashed over there he wasnt aware he was just like everyone else... it was charlie who woke him up in the afterlife and started the chain of events