Originally Posted by robtrink
First Zdayz and it was great! Agree with the whole speeding ticket item. Got a speeding ticket on the dragon early Sunday morning. Can't wait to find out how much that costs.
Depends on what he ticketed you for - if it was Reckless driving (as in crossing the double yellow line for lack of control - combined with excessive speed) we 'heard' that was $550 minimum... Good luck man... I doubt many judges up there would let any Zdayz attendee off with a warning...
BTW - Do you have to 'appear'? Maybe you would fair better if you told them you were just up there for the day... on your own and not affiliated with zdayz... and of course that you are filled with remorse and regret... and some shiz about how it will never happen again too sir I promise and such...
Seriously tho - sorry to hear ya got busted.