Yup; After getting pulled over by the police, I realized I really don't need any extra attention from the cops. Installation was pretty straight forward. I followed this
DIY article by
Socal 370Z .
well, since the J-nuts are very thin, I had to go to HomeDepot to pick up some washers and good quality "small length" screws. I also picked up some rubber washers so that I can put it between the bracker and the front bumper. This way if if someone backs into my license plate, my paint won't be scratched. Rubber washers are NOT thin but I used a blade to slice them thin

Here are some pictures:

Please disregard by bent license plate

. I am getting a new plate for the car soon.
BTW, if you have two owner's manual (old and new version), feel free to check the instructions (just for fun) in the old manual . They actually want you to drill again on to the bumper to fasten the bracket. I was like

. That's when I opened the newer manual.