Originally Posted by wishihadnav
Fords probably not a bad idea..still bluechip n everyone seems to want the 5.0H!!..haha
Ford is a decent stock right now IMO. I bought at $7.70 about a year ago, and it recently was up to $14.50+, before falling with the overall market.
its at a little over $11 as I type this, and probably will get back to the $14-$15 range, but I don't know if it will get much higher than that. I was planning to sell at about $16. Doh. Missed that chance.
best stock I ever bought was netflix. bought most of my shares at $18. Its $99 today. I sold at $60. Wish I had known. Regardless I did OK. I try not to look at what it does after I sell. With Netflix its just too much fun not to look at what it does though.