Originally Posted by GTRFAN
It's all about power to weight ratio and grip. The Z has the upper hand.
I have done extensive "testing" and so has Evan by the sounds of things 
lol extensive testing sounds interesting, i miss those days when i 1st got the 370, i've been driving around in a bright yellow mini for the past 6months
yes pwoer to weight is more acturate cause every1 seems to talk about kw and power. kw is only a unit of measurement at the peak, though nice for braging, doesnt show the true nature of the car unless they can take advantage of it's peak power and in our case in our daily drive, the 4k to 6k rpm zone is pretty much out of the question besides on 1st lol
but mayb thats just me cause i really dont want to lose my last point well not until at least another 2months