Originally Posted by billydsz
I think the OP is being unreasonable.
You drove the car away, the dealer has no way to know how that chip happened and whether or not they were responsible. You would have to prove you didn't do it to the car and how are you going to do that? You can't expect the dealer to pay for a chip you have likely caused. Are they supposed to fix paint chips on cars with mileage at the first oil change? LOL they would go BK. It is your resposibility to check the car for that type of damage before taking it off the lot. Blame yourself and leave Nissan alone. They won't, and shouldn't do anything for you. The more I type the angrier I get about this thread. It's this type of entitlement attitude that is costing consumers alot of money in the end, because the cost of handling unreasonable consumers gets passed down to everyone else eventually.
Life must be really uneventful for you to get this upset over this thread... are you a salesman? Or maybe both???
The OP doesn't have much experience and he's looking for answers. He's hoping the dealer would go by the honor system. Something you don't find these days. Yes he's expecting too much for the situation but your comments are type overboard. Chill out bro... lol
A few scratches give a car character. No worries. Life is all bout learning from mistakes. You won't make that mistake again.