About 6-8 months ago, one of our forum member sent me a pm with a possible decal design idea.
Basically, he was browsing the Official Nissan Fairlady Z Japanese website and saw this drawing of the 370Z outline.
Click here to take a look: ---->
Click HERE (make sure you have flash enabled in your computer). It's the first animation as soon as the page loads.
I thought it's a pretty neat outline and I liked the idea. About a months ago, I also stumbled upon
some very early drawings of Nissan 370Z. This was one of the side outline they tried to maintain when they designed the 370Z.
Okay, so here are the Decals. There are two different fonts. Font 1 and Font 2. I personally like font 1. I want to hear your input.
Font 1
Font 2

Since it's the prototype, the decal is facing backward. I just posted it here so that you can get an idea. Production decals both will be facing the front window.
So what you think? You like the design? Let me know