Originally Posted by Sharif@Forged
No problem at all.
And just to be crystal clear, it is not accurate to interpret the results as a before/after. They are two different cars, and we havent done a true before and after of the effects of exhaust, HFC. This was a simply a snapshop of the power these two cars were making, so it should be viewed in that context. 
Thank you for stating that Sharif, People are assuming these mods will yield 37 rwhp gains when you cannot compare 2 different cars.
For those that don't know, these factory ECU's are running dynamic timing maps which change and adapt over time. Car A could be running more or less timing than Car B, the A/FR will be slightly off as well. The ECU makes these adjustments based on a number of things, including how the cars are driven, temperature, altitude, etc.
Not to mention that there are a range of tolerances in O.E. engines, one might have slightly higher compression, etc. Just too many variables for these numbers to be even considered comparable.
So no, this does not prove that Still exhaust and high flow cats will yield 37RWHP gains, sorry
It does prove that Car A makes "X" amount of power more than Car B, that's about it.
Great pics BTW Sharif, I am so jealous of your GT-R, I am glad you picked the right color!
GT Motorsports