Originally Posted by TipsZ
I've seen this same effect on the Infinite rims. It is indeed caused by a type of acidic chemical that Detailers utilize. If used correctly it has no ill effect on the rims, but if left on for more than 20 minutes, or they fail to wipe the area afterwards, the results is that the chemical eats through that painted layer. When I get back home, I will try to remember to locate the pics of the rims that had a similar problem as yours.
Thanks TipsZ what it concerns me is that only 1 Wheel look like something dripped, but the other three doesnt, they are only discoloring on hard edges and corners. And yes you are right, I spoke with my detailer people and they told me the same thing that the chemical cannot be left too long or when the wheel is hot. Thats why they always wet the wheels first to cool them off, then they spray the chemical and wash it all wheels first, then they continue with the car. But yes please if you find pictures I will like to compare.