Originally Posted by Modshack
Only 2 states allow diminished value payments through your Ins. co when the other won't cooperate. Don't count on this.
Do not hire a lawyer unless you want to piss away 30-40% of the diminished value award. There are tons of these guys on the internet trolling for business. File a formal claim with the Guilty parties Ins. co. Good companies have dedicated reps that handle this stuff.
BTW, I think you made a big mistake not calling the police...It's now your word against hers, despite the pics. Been there, done that. Allstate, the company that represented the girl that hit the guy behind me who then hit me was a little pissy about "Fault" until they found out there was a Video of the accident that the Police had viewed. Hopefully it all works out..
I have a family member going through this right now. Rear ended with less than 100 miles and 5k worth of damage at least. I called my friend who owns their own insurance co, who I have mine through. She said that back around 2003 someone tried to get DM from Commerce insurance and failed. The Mass courts denied it and since then it's been put on the books in Mass that no insurance co has to pay out for DM. Do a Goggle search and you can read the entire court case and decision. Many other states, DC,NC and others down south have started paying DM claims but it won't be easy here in Mass. You will 100% need a lawyer. I hope you have some luck but I think you're going to really have a battle on your hands. My family member is still waiting for their car to finish being repaired. He wants to trade it in asap after it's done and the dealer said it would be a 5500.00 loss to replace the car. It was not a sports car, but his first ever new car and he is devastated. I probably shouldn't give too many details about the case since he is still in the process of doing the claim.
Please keep us up to date on how it goes so and i'll let you know if he has any luck. Perhaps we can help each other out. I think it's time Mass gets with the program and acknowledges these claims. If it was me, i'd be fighting this to the end with a lawyer. Even if I only got a little money, I'd be more hoping to change the law so they have to pay DM for everyone in the future.
And sorry about your 40th, I really love the color combo inside and out. I'm sure a good body shop will make it look great again, just be picky, if something isn't perfect, don't accept the car until it is! And you just can't win anymore when it comes to where we park. I've always park a mile away from the masses, in a corner spot, etc. It's great until a group of teenagers sees it there, all alone, no people watching them, and they key the entire side..

Not on my Z, but my Maroon Titan. We're screwed no matter what.