Originally Posted by Iam350ZneSS
Me and a buddy went through those checks and found that it was none of those. Seals were tight, gaskets were good, bolts were torqued down. We subsequently discovered that the TurboXS Test pipes have a 2.5" ID and the stock Y-pipe has a 60MM ID with a 60MM gasket. What I am thinking is that 2.5 dumping into 60MM is causeing that connection to rattle. I am going to get a 2.5ID Y-pipe and see if that will fix. What do ya'll think?
Thanks for the help. 
If it's a rattle, I'm not sure how a piping diameter of such small difference could possibly cause it. 60mm = 2.36" If you haven't already, use a large pry bar and put pressure on different spots in the exhaust. This should help you detect where the sound is coming from.