Originally Posted by DjSquall
If I didn't have a hard time controlling the car, I wouldn't be having any fun would I? I drove away shaking from the insane adrenaline rush! If I wanted an easy time, I'd floor it in a straight line.
Oh and if you keep both your hands on the steering wheel all the time as you say, how do you shift 
the idea is, you can shift quickly enough to not have your hand off the wheel for any significant amount of time. Unlike the automatic, you get to stay in one gear for as long as you need, as opposed to the car deciding you should shift..... like: NOW... ok NOW again... ok i think you might be on a hill, let me downshift for you... oh wait, that hill was shorter than i thought... i'll go back to the higher gear." - Your transmission
you should watch some videos of actual race car drivers driving their cars. you'll see that its only a split second of removing their hand from the wheel.
nothing wrong with people wanting one transmission over the other, its all opinion. however, some of these anti manual transmission arguments are pretty ridiculous, and make it quite evident that the person has NO idea whats at play in a manual transmission, so they clearly could not have made an informed decision about which one they purchased. (this is not a dig at those who drive automatics, just those who have these absurd reasons for why they think manuals are more dangerous, slow, stupid, pointless, etc)