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Old 05-12-2010, 09:50 PM   #146 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vash_241987 View Post
Ok so...MIB is still the same as in smoke form, but he has no body now? Also since that light source is gone, was it like the most important one, cause remember when locke turned the same wheel that MIB installed in the well, the light is still there. Also since MIB body has stayed in the cave for so long (skeleton remains) I'm guessing he can still show his true form, but what happened to jacks dads body? It was not in the castket....
yeah his soul like fused with whatever that light was.... i dont think the smoke is just pretending to be him and his just a collection of memories i mean that does explain why he said say hello to my son as christian.. but then again that was part of the manipulation of the canidates... and besides his fake mom said that he wouldnt die and it was worse than death so i think it really is MIB as smoke... just his body laying there kinda threw me for a second...

good question about the light.. i dont think all of it was absorbed by the smoke... the wheel well isnt the same place where that cave was MIB was thown in.. so there are still pockets of it scattered around i assume

i bet that is where widmore wanted desmond to go as i bet it is actually electro magnetism and he wanted so see if desmond can withstand it? the fake mom said something about man wanting more of it and widmore to me seems like he is power hungry

yeah i think he can take the form of anyone not buried.... as far as where christian is.. im gonna guess or just fill in the blank... that MIB hid the body to keep the ruse going that he was actually christian.. wasnt yemi's body missing too? i think if jack or eko found the bodies they would realize they were being tricked
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Last edited by MC; 05-12-2010 at 10:27 PM.
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