Down Shift W/O the Clutch!
Recently I have been trying to learn the forgotten art of double clutching. For all those who do not know what double clutching is, research elsewhere...
Applying these principles I discovered that a 6MT with syncro-rev engaged can downshift (and up-shift most times) without the clutch.
Try this.
1. from 5th gear push the clutch in.(or just pul the gear lever w/o the clutch)
2. next move the gear lever into neutral.
3. let the clutch out.
4. now without depressing the clutch push the gear lever to 4th gear.
5. Viola! The syncro-rev blips the throttle and the lever falls into 4th without needing to clutch in!
The Reed Law Firm; Michael Fasano VA Attorney and Counselor at Law: A Virginia Traffic, Criminal, and Family Lawyer.