Originally Posted by 03threefiftyz
Zeliminator....with any drag oriented tire....sidewall height is more important than width. There are an absolute ton of cars that go 9's or better now on 275/60/15's. Going to have to drop the pressure down to 15-16 and really heat 'em up with temps in the 40-50 degree range with that short of a sidewall. I am sure you will get it dialed in.....
Red370....my only issue is your attitude in posting...I have no qualm with posting of your vid, etc.....I think this HR vs VHR thing is pretty silly. All that being said.....you only ran like a 13.3X in that vid correct? What would people have thought I had I beat you by the same amount and posted it up? Just sayin'......the results are arbitrary and highly dependent on driver skill/experience.
I didnt post that video, someone else from here did, I didnt post it because i knew it would turn into a flame war as it did. I dont post there anymore because the maturity level there is laughable. But congrats on being the first 12 second 6MT Chuck!