Originally Posted by batman_4
did that this past weekend. took me 4-5mins per side. to make this as easy as possible 1st for example if you are going to tackle the driver side 1st turn the wheel all the way to the right so that you have more working space. then get a flat head and pop that little clip that holds the inner fender (black plastic, there is only one). then start to "pop"/pull out the inner fender out which will give way to the lower part of the headlight....look for a long looking grey cylindrical tube around the area where the bulb is (just look and its pretty obvious which one it is)....twist counter-clockwise....pull out and walla! then close it up...turn wheel in opposite direction and tackle the other side. i can take some pics later on this week if needed because i know it may not make sense in just words.
Good job!

Wouldn't mind seeing DIY in the DIY section. I am also curious to see some pictures as well.