Originally Posted by dlmartin81
Is the noise something like a chatter when load is applied under 3K? Cause I'm experiencing something like that. It sounds like a rattle....kind of like a tin can filled with pebbles. I know it's not a loose cat heat shield because I've experienced that in the past with other car and that is far more noisier. The sound I hear is a bit more subtle but noticeable from the outside.
This is my first RWD car so maybe it's normal. My inspection is up next month and I plan to bring it up to the techs.
No, its almost like a series of clunks/clacks... either as I start moving forward or backwards as torque is applied. I didn't notice it when I picked up the car either. I started to notice it at around 1,000 miles or so and its gotten progessively louder.